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Residential Caulking

The caulking around your tub, shower, sink, and backsplash is a vital piece of protection against water damage.

Before and After Picture of a Shower with Damaged CaulkingBefore and After Picture of a Caulking in the Joints of the Shower
In time, most caulk will mold, dry up, peel, or crack. If ignored, exposed caulk or grout joints can result in severe water damage and costly repairs.

Before and After Picture of a Caulking on this Shower's Wall JointsBefore and After Picture of a Shower with Damaged Caulking on the Joints
In extreme cases, a complete tear-out or replacement is needed. It is important to maintain the caulking around areas exposed to water.
Picture of a Slate Backsplash with Damaged Caulking Before and After a Caulking ServicePicture of a White Tile and Tub with Moldy Joints Before and After a Caulking Service
New caulking will even drastically improve the look of an existing tub, shower, sink, or backsplash. Be on the lookout for moldy or worn caulk.

Before and After Picture of Tub Caulking on a Shower with Mold and MildewBefore and After Picture of a Tub Caulking on the Wall Joints
Save Money! In addition to saving money on costly water damage repairs, having the professionals at Sir Grout Denver recaulk your bathroom will save you time and the cost of materials.


For your convenience, below shows the various counties and cities where we provide service:

Adams, Colorado

Arapahoe, Colorado

Boulder, Colorado

Broomfield, Colorado

Clear Creek, Colorado

Denver, Colorado

Douglas, Colorado

Gilpin, Colorado

Jefferson, Colorado

Larimer, Colorado

Weld, Colorado

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